3 Best Gym Equipments: Inclined Cardio, Stair Steppers,Hip Abductors Plus Squat and Accessory Exercises.

So before I start I want to first explain what this article is all about, purposes and what you can expect out of it. So basically I know a lot of people don't start working out and have trouble being consistent as they really don't know what to do in the gym they don't know how to use equipment and they don't know exactly what they should be doing and they don't wanna have personal trainer. So my goal in this article is to explain some gym equipment that you really need to know. I'm going to try to give you all the information you need to do a really effective workout actually wrote out a workout article so you have a site that you can take and you know how to do exercises on this post and it's gonna give you a really good starting point you want to keep on learning things and If you have any question you can ask on the comment section. And this post will certainly give you a very good point to start at and a workout that I can pretty much guarantee you if you follow the workout you will build muscle.  So the first thing you going to see is


Both these are going to be really good exercises to do in the reason that I'm not having you just run on the treadmill is I know that some of the people reading this might not be able to run first of all and second of all doing a stair step machine or an incline treadmill is going to recruit more muscles than just jogging generally speaking so it's a good exercise and it's an easy way to get in your target heart rate range you'll see on the machine it says 30 minutes and then perenteslces 130 to 140 beats per minute on the treadmill to going to see a little silver pass that you can put your hands on and they're going to tell you your heart rate so.. just pay attention to your heart rate try to keep it in that range of 130 to 140 that scanner has generally considered the best range to burn fat well not burning muscle and 30 minutes is a good target for cardio you don't do too much cardio but you could do it two to three times a week. if you're a beginner you don't need to do that much and you try to do too much it will probably slow you down and keep you from really sticking with it being consistent when it comes to working out so start a little slower one day a week is perfectly fine.

Stair steppers: You've probably heard of it there's not much to explain here i just want to give you a visual for what it looks like in case you aren't familiar with that




Right here I am demonstrating squats on the image below and as you can see there are these adjustable bars that come out perpendicular with the squat rack in the purpose of those is the catch the way that you cannot lift it so if you do anything it becomes too heavy and you cannot stand up you can just kind of sit down relax and put the ball on the safety rats in your phone and you should not be embarrassed if that happened that's going to happen when you do squats a lot especially if you're really pushing yourself so don't be embarrassed if you go to do it and you can't lift the bar on one of the reps on the image below am going to showing you a couple of different types of clips that you can use on the bar

The purpose of these is to keep your weight from sliding off the end, you are definitely gonna want to use this when you're doing squats because just a leaning at all could make the weight slide off very easily something you should know about this exercise is it is probably not even probably it is the best exercise that you can do for your legs but it's also very difficult because it's a complex of movement, there's a lot of things that you need to know and you need to be doing the right for them to work properly to feel okay for you and the other thing I should mention is because you have to weight resting on your back when you start out it's going to feel uncomfortable but you will get used to it, so don't be discouraged if the first couple times you do squats it bothers your back some that's normal and you will get used to it just pushed to that and you're definitely be glad that you did you just see right here I'm putting this little phone pad on the bar that will make it more comfortable and most gyms do have that little accessory so if you want to use that definitely go for it and make sure you're flexing your upper back it should feel like you're pulling your shoulder blades together

 when you flex your shoulders like that it' ll give the bar a better platform to sit on and that will also make it more comfortable and the last thing i will explain about squats and this is obviously the most important thing is your form when you're coming down you want to come down till you're parallel with the ground and what that means is I want you to picture there is a dot in the centre of your knee and it dot in the centre of your hip creating a straight line, that straight line should be parallel with the ground at that point you have gone deep enough into the squat and you've done a proper rep so that point you just stand up and that's how far down you should be going.

The next thing i will note is especially if you have tight legs, you will see a lot of people when they come down they are not flexible enough to get that deep and what happens is there back start leaning forward when you do that you put excess stress on your lower back and that can cause injuries so I'm on the image below You see a guy holding little pads to put on his heels, when you do that it makes it require less flexibility to go down to proper depth and that can really help you out if you Just aren't flexible enough,so if you find that you start forward at the button of the rep and put something under your heels like that you can use small weights or pads or anything and get that a half-inch to an inch of the ground your heel that is it. So definitely that a try if you're too tired to use proper form.


What this is going to do is actually going to exercise your glutes and it is pretty good way to isolate them so definitely start out with squats because you want to start out with your compound movement which means when I say compound movement am talking about an exercise that Recruit multiple muscle groups and is not as isolated as what you're seeing right here this exercise will Isolate pretty much just your glutes so it's very straight-forward there's not much to explain about this couple things notice anywhere that has a colour on it on a machine is generally a point of adjustment whether you're just in the weight or the starting point so some of these machines are multi use so you can just sort of swivel those things around you go from a hip doctor to hip abductor which is going to work different muscles as you'll see in a second and like I said there's not much to explain just make sure when you're doing this you keep a relatively slow pace, and try to keep tension on the muscle as much as you can so just nice slows reps and you'll see on the image below and I'll tell you about how many reps you should be doing the next, you see the image swiveling those little things around in that switches the exercise to being a hip adductor which is going to work your hip flexor muscles a small muscle on the inside of your thigh both these are really good exercises to be doing and they're pretty simple most gyms have this piece of equipment which is why I have included in this article. 

 And just one more quick thing on a this article about this machine and this applies to most machines if you look at the top of the stack right here where i'm showing you there's a little pin you grab that you pull it out lower it and that is an extra weight that gives you in between weight now you'll also notice on the program i put accessory as the last set on each of your workouts and the reason i did that is because i want you to learn more about the equipment in your gym and different exercises so you can be looking around at other people in the gym or online but try to get ideas for new exercises you want to try experiment and see what you want to do so it just kind of leaves you some room to add different things that you would like to work on

Accessory exercises

Am  going to try to give you guys a Couple of ideas for accessory exercises you can do so right here ill give you a great example this exercise targets your hamstrings which is the the large muscle on the back of your legs so if you want to get good hamstrings and also kind of hit your glutes pretty well too this exercise is called rdls so what you're going to do is get something to put the front of your feet up on so the front of your feet should be raised you can use a barbell or dumbbells as you can see on the image below and you just simply do a deadlift you're going to bend down and stand back up with it just be sure to keep your back flat you're at least as flat as you can and um yeah don't bend your back arch your back and you're good that's the exercise okay so this is bench press


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